So I was riding my bike back from in town tonight and this really cool looking car passed me...I SOOO wanted a picture, but of course I didn't have my camera in my hand so I was like "Damn!" Then about 20yards ahead of me the car hits a red light....YES!!!
So as I'im riding closer I dig in my purse for my camera and lucky for me he was stopped right in front of the small (almost alley) Rd I was planning on taking to get back to my apartment. So I held up my camera as I made my bike go as slowly as possible without grabbing TOO much attention, snapped a picture, and then turned down the road....and nearly hit a telephone pole...(T_T)
Which was not the smooth, cool snap shot as I was riding by senario that I had been hopping for, but oh well I got my picture of the sweet car right?
so i look at it and......
Apparently I left my camera on night setting from when I was taking pictures of the moon last night and fireworks on Friday. (T_T)
So I continued down my street soo disapointed I'd missed that shot. When out of the corner of my eye I noticed a VERY framiliar looking set of headlights on the big street that runs parallel to my almost alley I was currently peddling down. i looked again to be sure and...yup the car had taken the street next to mine. So I picked up my speed hoping to catch him at another red light (I know that road pretty well and there are 2 traffic lights between where we were and my apartment). I was just getting up to an intersecting side road in order to get onto the same road it was driving on for my second chance at a picture when.....
The car suddenly turns onto the rd I was just about to cross into so I could be on the same rd he was on. And right before my eyes he completes a U-turn onto my little alley street, coming right towards me!!Apparently the guy driving saw my failure of an attempt to get a picture of his car.....(therefore my unfortunate near miss at the telephone pole as well *sigh*). The guy went and pulled a Uie so i could get a better shot of it. When he pulled his car over asking if I wanted another picture I was like "YES PLEASE!"
The guy got out of his car and took my camera while telling me he'd take the picture so I could have one with me in it. I had to attempt a few times to get my legs under the steering wheel, but eventually I got in! Man was that cool...VERY low to the ground though. I doubt I could actually handle driving it!
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sitting in the awesome car!! |
(meanwhile a full sized minivan had to manuver around us and got the funny entertainment of the forienger getting into a clown car sized vehicle)
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Nice guy who went out of his way to let me get a picture with his car! |