So while I spent all that effort driving down to Toronto I didn't want to waste the trip. I ended up making it a weekend out and stayed at a youth hostel for 2 nights. When I arrived and dragged my suitcase to my room...very conviently located right off the main room. A little loud in the morning around breakfast I found out, but great for all the other reasons. Within a few hours of being at the hostel I had managed to make friends with over half of the girls in the room I was staying in....about 7 other people. I'm not sure where most of them were from, but they'd been living in the hostel for a while by the time I stayed there. So they knew Toronto really well, and invited me to join them and the rest of their 20some friends who were going out to the bar that night. It was a lot of fun.One of the

guys LOVED my's one of the samsung dual screen he sat next to me and kept taking pictures. The 2 of us hit it off really well after that and then we got seperated and subsiquently lost from the group after attempting a "short cut" to the group's intended destination. We walked around for about a half hour trying to find the next bar and then just gave up as our friends were probably already on the move again. We ended up stopping for some pitas at a little street vendor and then ate them on the walk back to were we thought the hostel was. Once back we chilled out and talked for a while.

Once everyone got back...somewhere around 3am...we all gathered in the main room and had a ton of different conversations going. It was a lot of fun...though I was getting pretty tired! I think I consummed 3 glasses of tea during this late night chat session. An attempt to keep myself awake!

About half of the people kept dodging my camera!! But man I love staying in hostels. My brother-in-law offered to call up his friend who's dad owns a hotel in Toronto to get me a room for free. Which would have been nice for my bank account...but totally not fun when I was going to be travelling alone. Now if I was going with some friends...then YES!!! I would have taken him up on the offer. When going solo I always recomend staying in a hostel, well maybe not in the US. Check those out first before commiting to them. But other countries are fabulous at having clean and dependable hostels, and people are from everywhere and are pretty young. So making a ton of friends from all over the world is easy and a leaves you with an even greater experience.
Saturday started off a little late....with the extremely late night I stayed in bed till after noon. When I finally did get up I got ready for the day just in time for one of the girls from the night before to come back in from having had breakfast. The 2 of us decided to go shopping, she wanted a clubbing dress and I wanted a few coat. I ended up buying more than just that and had a great few hours wandering the streets of Toronto! After we got back I wanted something to eat, but she was on a budget so was cooking her own food. I went out and found a cute little place. While sitting there eating a bowl of chilli and drinking some coke a creepy guy kept talking to me and then finally gave me his e-mail address even though I had been attempting to ignore him. After he left a couple who had been sitting nearby started chatting with me about the whole thing. We ended up getting into a discussion about the differences between America and Canada...and then some things about Japan. Since I told them why I was in Toronto in the first place. They seemed really interested and we ended up talking for several hours. By the time I had gotten back to the hostel my entire group (who I was planning on going out again with) had already left. I got ready to go clubbing anyways with the plan of just going into the first really clubish place I found. Turns out I was staying right by several clubs. The one I ended up in was litterally 20 feet from the front door of the hostel. Really convienet since while waiting in the entry line I realized I forgot a few things and needed to go back!! I made some friends in the waiting line and stayed with them the entire night...unfortunately I got rid of my camera during my pitstop at the hostel so I don't have any pictures. We stayed out till close and then I crashed. Check-out in the morning was a little rough. I did manage to get out in time though and started the long arduous trip back up to petoskey for work the next day.
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